
The Modern Preacher and the Ancient Text: Interpreting and Preaching Biblical Literature is unavailable, but you can change that!

A fusion of biblical hermeneutics and homiletics, this thorough and well-researched book offers a holistic contemporary approach to the interpretation and preaching of biblical texts, using scholarly tools and focusing on literary features. Greidanus develops hermeneutical and homiletical principles and then applies them to four specific genres: Hebrew narratives, prophetic literature, the...

What this means concretely is the concern of all the following chapters. At this stage, however, we need to examine the foundations of these chapters with a general discussion of the meaning of “binding oneself to the Scriptures.” The question is, What is involved in preaching biblically? Leander Keck suggests that at least two elements must be given their due: “Preaching is truly biblical when (a) the Bible governs the content of the sermon and when (b) the function of the sermon is analogous to
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